We recognise that staff absence costs employers in terms of money and administration time. There can be a variety of reasons for the absence and we will support you to implement a robust absence management process to try to minimise the overall disruption to the business.

How can we help?

  • Provides robust sickness absence management policies and procedures and ways to monitor absence.
  • Provide advice or support on referring employees to Occupational Health (including supporting with the drafting of the necessary paperwork.
  • Advising on the importance of considering and implementing reasonable adjustments for employees that have poorer attendance due to a disability.
  • Navagating best practice against commercial needs.

Meet Our Employment Team


Heather Love

Tel: +44 (0) 1483 411516
Email: Heather Love


David Seals

Tel: +44 (0) 1737 307101
Email: David Seals


Elizabeth Barrett

Tel: +44 (0) 1306 502986
Email: Elizabeth Barrett


Helen Boddy

Consultant Solicitor
Tel: + 44 (0) 1306 502223
Email: Helen Boddy

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