There may be circumstances in which a solvent business requires to be re-structured; one example is the objective of a shareholder to exit from the company whilst the business is carried forward by its other shareholders.

We can advise on the available options including share buy backs and management buy ins.

Share buy-backs are an efficient method to achieve a re-structuring.  They involve the company acquiring an existing shareholders shares.  There are a number of conditions which need to be fulfilled for a legally valid repurchase of shares.  We will guide you through these conditions and provide the necessary documentation.  There have been recent changes in the law which simplify this process.

Management buy-ins allow a shareholder exit by bringing in fresh capital and new management.

Meet Our Corporate Recovery & Restructuring Team

Chris Millar

Chris Millar

Senior Partner
Tel: +44 (0) 1306 502225
Email: Chris Millar

Richard Clapham

Richard Clapham

Tel: +44 (0) 1483 411531
Email: Richard Clapham

Julian Harvey

Julian Harvey

Tel: +44 (0) 1306 502221
Email: Julian Harvey