
July 2011

Law Commission: Easements, Covenants and Profits A Prendre

The Law Commission has published its final report containing its recommendations to simplify, modernise and improve the law of easements, covenants and profits a prendre.  on 8 June 2011.

June 2011

Co-habitation Agreements. Do you need one?

There is a common misconception that once an unmarried couple have lived together, (especially if they have done so for a prolonged period of time) they become a common law Husband and Wife and acquire the same rights as married couples. This is false.

June 2011

Feed-In ("FIT") Tariff Leases

The Feed-In Tariff (FIT) scheme which was introduced by the Government on 1 April 2010, promotes the widespread uptake of a range of small-scale renewable and low carbon electricity generation technologies.