
Liz Dalgetty Jan 2022

Long-awaited new government white paper finally set out 10-year vision - but there is still some way to go

Following the Prime Minister’s announcements about the social care cap, the government published its first white paper on Wednesday 1st December, outlining its vision for the future. But, was it worth the wait?

Richard Clapham Dec 2021

Sunak support provides welcome boost to hospitality

The Chancellor has revealed a package of support worth £1bn to help fund businesses hit by the latest rise in Covid-19 cases.

Keith Potter Dec 2021

Sick Absence and Fit Notes: Temporary New Rules

Some temporary regulations affecting sick absence were published on 16 December 2021 and came into force on 17 December 2021.

Heather Love Dec 2021

Can my employer refuse my request for Christmas holiday?

My employer has just declined my leave request for some time off over Christmas. The reason they gave was that others had already put their requests in before me and that it would leave them short staffed. I feel this is unfair as I only joined the company recently - is their refusal legal?

Heather Love Dec 2021

‘Tis the season – for a sickie?

Yes, it’s that time of year again; the flu season. Add the Covid-19 virus into the mix and employers can soon find themselves in the middle of a “sickie” epidemic. But what can you do if you think your employees are just in need of a duvet day?

Heather Love Dec 2021

What do the government restrictions mean for employers and employees? Can your Christmas parties still go ahead?

Further to the arrival of the new Omicron variant of Covid-19, which is said to be "spreading faster than Delta”, Boris Johnson has re-introduced restrictions saying, “It’s now the proportionate and the responsible thing to move to Plan B.”

Liz Dalgetty Dec 2021

When inheritance goes beyond sibling rivalry

Families. We love them dearly - most of the time. But, we’ve seen for ourselves the trials and tribulations of family relationships and written many blogs about unfair inheritance and leaving children out of your will. But, your question is unfortunately one of many - and the sign of a new phenomenon rising through the ranks.

Gemma Taylor Nov 2021

Stamp Duty Holiday has finished, so why are house prices still climbing?

According to recent figures by HMRC, there was a 25% increase in Stamp Duty receipts in the six months from April - October 2021, compared to the same period in 2019. While the flurry of activity in the market boosted the average house price in the UK, many were surprised that once the Stamp Duty holiday came to an end, prices didn't come down with it - but why?


Liz Dalgetty Nov 2021

If the Chancellor takes your pension pot for IHT you might want to stay one step ahead

It’s fair to say expectations of anything less than doom and gloom from last month’s Budget were pretty standard as we recover from the economic blow that was Covid-19 - and it seems even if you die you have not escaped the Chancellor's notice for an opportunity for taxation.

Liz Dalgetty Nov 2021

Sign a digital LPA - and save yourself 20 weeks!

If you’re about to draft a Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) document, you might be in luck - as the process to sign paperwork and make things official could be about to get easier.